From parties and dramas: The return of the Incas

  • José Carlos Vilcapoma
Keywords: Apu Inca, Atahualpa, Sapallanga, Valle del Mantaro, Pachamama, Pizarro


In the realization of the drama of the death of Atahualpa in the festival dedicated to the Virgin in Sapallanga, valley of the Mantaro, and the correlate of sacredness that Apu Inca acquires thus, the transformations of meaning that are reviewed during the development of the own intervention of the agents and personages, resulting in the staging of a lived history as a rescue of the cosmographic position that the Inca had, returning to be the intermediary before the Pachamama on which depends a society for which his announced return has been constituted in the only hope.

Author Biography

José Carlos Vilcapoma

José Carlos Vilcapoma

How to Cite
Vilcapoma, J. C. (2017). From parties and dramas: The return of the Incas. ARGUEDIAN NOTEBOOKS, 16(1), 93-108. Retrieved from
Articles of Arguedian Notebooks 16